Saturday, July 08, 2006

Gaza Crisis: Day 14

After being gone for a week and only getting bits of news about the crisis in Gaza, I had the distinct impression that I needed to go to Gaza to pray for all of the people there. We knew we wouldn't be able enter Gaza but wanted to go anyway. We picked up our volunteers and drove south to the border. Prayer Walking has been described as "praying on site with insight". We hoped that being there would help us to know better how to pray. We parked in the lot and were there less than five minutes when we heard the first boom. I have to admit that it gave me a bit of a start. I'm sure our volunteers got even more of a shock. I noticed that they looked at me for a reaction. We were safe stress came from knowing where that shell went and for the people that it threatened. We prayed for a long time, stopping only occasionally when we actually saw where the tank shells landed as red dust rose out of the desert in plumes. It was difficult to realize that we actually knew people who live very near to that place. It was a bittersweet experience to sit there and listen to shell after shell being shot. Bitter because it was difficult to hear and feel them. I can't imagine what it has been like for those living in and near the border towns who listen to it non stop. Sweet because it isn't likely that I will forget to pray as those booms and vibrations are imprinted in me.

As we sat there and prayed, four Israeli soldiers walked by laden down with their backpacks and guns. Tied on the back of one soldier's pack were a pair of tennis shoes. We were all struck by the youth of those fighting this battle...both inside and out. It was privilege to pray for those Israeli soldiers going to fight our adopted people group. We explained to our volunteers that very few people here can understand that we love both peoples and pray for the Best for both of them.

Our prayer for the Believers in Gaza ran along the lines of 2 Cor 1:3-4. Please join us in asking the God of all comfort to comfort them in all of their troubles SO THAT they may in turn comfort those around them who do not know the Lord. Pray that God's strength and overcoming power will shine like a light in their lives.

post by hsl

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