Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Team

The volunteer team from the States should be arriving within the next few hours.  We are excited to have them coming and we have been praying for the week ahead.  We wanted to update with some specific requests before we head to the airport to pick them up.  Please join us in lifting them up to the Father!

* Please pray for grace going through the airport.  For favor with the security personnel and an easy entrance into the country.
* As the team spends the day trying to stay awake and touring, pray that the Father would grant them love for each other, a restful night of sleep tonight and easy adjustment to the time difference.
* Many on the team have had sick children or have been sick themselves.  Please pray for strength and endurance for the week ahead.

We trust that the Father is going to do great things this week, some that we see and some we may never see.  We look forward to reporting on His faithfulness throughout the week!

"For your steadfast love is great above the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the clouds."
Psalm 108:4

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